If the details or profile mapping of an artist in the LabelWorx artist database needs updating or fixing, you can request edits during or after the release creation process to ensure they are correct and up-to-date:
- Select the artist to edit: If you are adding a pre-existing artists from our database to your Display Artist and notice their details or profile mapping is incorrect, click 'Edit Artist' next to their name.
Alternatively, if you have already released with an artist and notice their details or profile mapping is incorrect, go to Artists ➜ Artist Roster in the top menu and search for the artist you want to edit. - Request edits: From the artist's profile, you can request edits to their legal name(s), country, ISNI, DSP profile mapping, social links, and more. After you have made your edits, click the 'Save' icon.
- Pending review: You will now see your requested edits at the top of the artist's profile. Please note that as the LabelWorx artist database is shared by all clients, these changes are not instant. Our team will manually review your edits to determine the accuracy of the request before approval.
- Approval / Rejection: If your requests are approved, releases by that artist will be updated on the stores to reflect this. If your requests are rejected, you will be notified by email with an explanation.