Traxsource feature "Top 10" artist charts on their home page and genre pages - they are a great way to promote both the artist and tracks in their charts. Please encourage your artists to post these charts to their social networking pages to gain extra exposure where possible.
If you would like to submit a Top 10 chart to Traxsource please complete the below steps:
1. Follow the normal "User Chart" instructions found here: How do I create a user chart
2. Follow this link to submit your chart: Request form
3. Attach a perfectly square high res JPG photo trimmed to exactly 600 by 600 pixels. (please note, no other sizes or file formats will be excepted any longer)
4. Fill in all other requested fields on the web form.
** Charts must be 10 tracks minimum and "STEMS" tracks are prohibited.
IMPORTANT: Please name your chart something interesting when you create it, feel free to include Traxsource in the title, as this will become your URL when it is shared.
"DJ ____'s Winter Traxsource Jams"
Note - Please allow at least 1 week for charts to be added to Traxsource. Longer for busy periods such as Christmas Holidays and Thanksgiving etc.