When creating numerous releases at once or importing a full catalogue of releases, the best option would be to use the Release Import system. The import process is very detailed and only recommended to be used in large batches of releases.
To import the releases into the LMS, we need to input our metadata into the LabelWorx bulk import template. This XLS file can be downloaded from within the LMS by going to: Release Management ➜ Release List ➜ Import (Icon Menu) ➜ click the 'LabelWorx_Bulk_Import.xls' link
IMPORTANT: .XLS is the only file format that you can use to import releases.
Simply copy and paste the relevant information into each column. The columns are colour coded in regard to their importance to the import process.
Red - Required. Must be completed. Without data in those columns, the import will not work.
Yellow - Desired. The import will work without that information but it would be needed for distribution. It is easier to enter this info at this point if you have it.
White/Blank - Not necessarily required for distribution. There are some fields here that are auto-calculated (like track time) or could legitimately be blank (like ISRC code if new release) If you have the data, again, better to input at this point.
Audio can be imported within the bulk import. Relevant WAV filenames (including ".wav") would need to be entered in column T. The Audio would need to be uploaded to the relevant Label FTP account. As the import is run, it will match the filenames in the sheet to the filenames on the FTP. More information on how to connect to your FTP account and upload audio can be found here.
Artwork can also be imported. Create a directory/folder at the root of your label's FTP account (this folder must be named artwork in lowercase), then upload your artwork within that directory/folder. Artwork files MUST be JPGs at a minimum of 1400px x 1400px and named as the Catalog Number (e.g. AE001.jpg) or the EAN/UPC (e.g. 5024285624091.jpg) of the relevant release.
IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you follow the instructions carefully within the sheet. These should be found in row 2, underneath the Header line. This will highlight any specific needs of the import.
We can now import our sheet into the LMS. Go to:
Release Management > Release List > Import (Icon Menu)
Select your sheet by either dragging and dropping your file or by clicking Choose File and selecting from your storage device. Click Import. You will then see the Import Summary screen. Here, the system will run tests on the import and display the results. You should check the results are as expected. For example, you would not expect to see Record Labels created, or if there are more/less releases created than you were expecting, it would be worth checking your file again.
If all is correct, click Import again. This time the system will run the import and create the releases in the release list. Once complete, check over the releases before completing with any further details needed.