All releases are manually reviewed by our team to ensure that they meet the store's metadata and policy guidelines. As long as you have met this criteria, releases are typically approved within a few working days, but can sometimes take a bit longer (depending on how far into the future/past the release is, the number of releases submitted to us, and holiday periods).
Before a release is reviewed and approved, it's 'Deliver Status' will be 'WAITING TO BE ENCODED'.
In order to effectively promote your release and give the stores sufficient time to ingest your release (and potentially consider it for feature spots), we recommend setting your release to Final no later than 5 to 6 weeks ahead of your desired release date.
While we can deliver releases to the stores within 48 hours, we strongly advise against this, as the stores still need to ingest and process the release on their end, which could result in the release not going live on your specified release date.