Before reading this article, be sure you have first read this article:
When creating a new release in the system for distribution, you will notice the system talks about 'discs' and will prompt you to choose how many discs the release is.
If you are not making dual disk releases then you can just add your tracks to disc one as normal.
The reason it does this is that certain stores such as Spotify and Apple will allow for releases to be delivered over several discs, for example, see the below screenshots:
To create a multi-disc release in the Label Worx system, create a release as normal and go into the Release Details page for that release.
At the bottom of the page, you will see the text Click here to add a track / mix to this release...
Click this to add a new track and you will be prompted to add it to a second disc.
Once you have added a track to a second disc, you will be able to follow the procedure again and add a track to a third track if needed and so forth.
You can manage the tracks as normal, with each disc having a seperate tab, like so:
If you are not making dual disk releases then you can just add your tracks to disc one as normal.