The filter option is a very handy tool to enable you to really dig into your Promo List and see which recipients are valuable to your campaigns and which aren't. Monitoring your Promo Lists is key to ensuring your lists stay relevant and effective. For more information on how to manage your Promo List, please see here.
How to open the filter options:
1. Go to "Promotion->DJ's"
2. Click "Filter" in the icon menu
Filter Options Explained:
Feedback: The percentage of promos the recipient has been sent which they have left feedback.
Support: The percentage of your promos the recipient has been sent, which they have clicked yes to the supporting option.
Downloads: The percentage of promos your recipients have been sent where they have downloaded one or more tracks.
Views: The percentage of promos that have been seen by the recipient.
Promos Sent: The number of promos you have sent the recipient.
There are multiple ways in which you can use the filters to dig into the statistics of your DJ list. Here are a few key ways that will help get you started.
Recipients who are viewing releases but not downloading
This is handy to see DJ's who are looking at your promos but have no interest in playing them. We would then recommend completely removing these DJ's from your list.
Feedback: "0-0"
Support: "0-0"
Downloads: "0-0"
Views: "0-100"
Promos Sent: "1 - 9999"
Recipients who view a small percentage of your promos
This is handy to see DJ's who may have stopped viewing your promos, you may want to reach out to them and see if they still wish to receive promos from you. You may want to vary the percentage to see what DJ's view what percentage of promos.
Feedback: "0-100"
Support: "0-100"
Downloads: "0-100"
Views: "0-30"
Promos Sent: "1 - 9999"