The article provides an overview of how to use DemoWorx and set up your DemoBox.
Step 1 – Build your DemoBox
1. Select "Demos -> DemoBox Manager" on the top menu
2. Click the "New" button from the top right icon menu
3. Type a "Page Name" for your DemoBox
4. Check "Page Link" is available
5. Select the package you wish to purchase
Please see this article for an in-depth explanation: How do I set up a DemoBox for my label?
How do I edit my DemoBox form fields?
1. "Demos -> Demo Box Manager"
2. Select the relevant DemoBox
3. Scroll down to the "Form Fields" section
How do I check my DemoBox disk usage?
Please see this article for an in-depth explanation: How do I edit my DemoBox form fields?
Step 2 - Design you DemoBox
1. Click the "Designer: button from the top right icon menu
2. Upload a "Background" and "Header Image" for your DemoBox.
3. Customise the fields to suite your requirements
Please see this article for an in-depth explanation: How do I design the appearance of my DemoBox?
Step 3 – Link / Embed your DemoBox
1. Select "Demos -> DemoBox Manager" on the top menu
2. Click the name of your DemoBox
3. Scroll down to "Link Your DemoBox"
4. Select "Link" or "Embed" code as required
5. Share the link or embed the code into your website
Please see this article for an in-depth explanation:
How do I embed DemoBox on my website?
How do I add a link to DemoBox on my website?
Step 4 – Receiving Demos
1. Select "Demos -> Demo Tracker" on the top menu
2. For each demo select "Open Player" to reveal the player
3. Click the "Play" icon to begin listening to the demo
4. Reply to each demo by selecting one of the 3 options to the right of the player. "Sign It", "Maybe" or "No Good".
Please see this article for an in-depth explanation: How do I review/respond to my demo submissions?
How do I edit custom reply email templates?
1. Go to "Demos -> Response Emails"
2. Click "New" in the top icon menu.
3. Edit the relevant fields
4. Click "Apply"
Please see this article for an in-depth explanation: How do I add/change response emails in DemoWorx?