Your DemoBox is a part of the Demo Worx system where potential artists will upload their demo and you can manage their submissions.
To set up your DemoBox follow these steps:
1. Select "Demos -> DemoBox Manager" on the top menu
2. Click the "New" button from the top right icon menu
3. Type a "Page Name" for your DemoBox
4. Check "Page Link" is available
5. Select the package you wish to purchase
6. Click "Apply"
You can then set up form fields you need available on the submission form by selecting relevant options under the "Form Fields" heading. This KB article will also explain further on how to edit the form fields: How do I edit my DemoBox form fields?
You can also design the submission form so it is branded to your label. This Knowledge article will explain how: How do I design the appearance of my DemoBox?