Licensors Overview
Within RoyaltyWorx, tracks and releases are attached to Licensors. Creating licensors individually or in bulk is within the Action Required section of the dashboard, so is a fundamental part of the system.
A Licensor is an Artist (or Company) that you have licensed a track, release or remix from. In most cases, the Licensor is the legal name of the artist, as opposed to their artist alias. For example:
Licensor: Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Artist Name: Deadmau5
Track: Strobe
How to Create Your Licensor
The first step is to select Royalty from the Top Menu, then select Licensors.
This will then take you through to the Licensors List.
This page is used to host and manage all of your Licensors. Here, you can add new Licensors, edit existing Licensors as well as implement any rules or options on specific licensors.
Click New from the Icon Menu (top right) to create a new Licensor. This will bring up the Licensor Details screen, where you can enter your new Licensor's details.
It is best practice to enter as many details as possible for your licensors, however, we understand you may not be able to obtain all of the information. The key fields that should always be completed are Licensor Name and Contact Email. You must ensure you have these details as a minimum in order to be able to send artist statements via RoyaltyWorx.
NOTE - You can request licensors to update their Licensor Details themselves via the Licensor Info Request Email later down the line, but you would still need Name & Email entered.
There are a few fields in the Accounts section of the Licensor Details Page that you should understand:
- Balance - the amount outstanding to the licensor (before their invoice is marked off as paid)
- Turnover - the total value of all invoices submitted by the licensor
- Minimum Payout - the threshold that licensors need to earn before they can submit an invoice
- Invoice Submission Mode - The invoice submission mode determines the way statements are calculated, more information in the invoice submission modes can be found here.
Once you have entered all of the relevant details for your Licensor, click Save from the Icon Menu to save this Licensor into your Licensor List.
You can then repeat this for any further Licensors you need to create.
How to Create Your Licensor - Video Walkthrough
How to Create Licensors in Bulk
As well as creating your Licensors individually, you can also import your Licensors in bulk. This is best for any instances where you have a large number of licensors to create as you can do this in one action.
The first step is to select Royalty from the Top Menu, then select Licensors. This will then take you through to the Licensors List. This page is used to host and manage all of your Licensors. Here, you can add new Licensors, edit existing Licensor as well as implement any rules or options on specific licensors only.
From the Licensor List page, click on the Import button within the Icon Menu.
Here, you will find instructions on this process and a link to the Bulk Import Sheet. Click on the link to download the .xls file.
You can then enter the relevant details for you Licensors on that sheet. As with the individual creation method, Licensor Name and Contact Email are required fields and must be entered for the import to be successful.
Once you have completed your Bulk Import Sheet (.xls) you can now import this into RoyaltyWorx. Click Choose File to select your file from your device storage and then click Import.
The system will then scan your file and once complete, present you with the results of the import. It will list the number of Licensors found and then whether they are created or updated.
Check through your results. If all is as expected, click Import again to start the process. If your results are not as expected, click Cancel and amend your file. You can then test the import again.
The system will then import your Licensors and again, display a results screen once complete. You should also see above the results, confirmation that the import is complete. Your Licensors should all now be available in your Licensor List.
How to Create Licensors in Bulk - Video Walkthrough
Linking Licensors to an Artist
Licensors are all linked to Artists. This process is linking the "person" to the "alias". This can be one licensor matched to one artist or it could be multiple licensors matched to the one artist, in the case of collaborations or duos for example.
The linking of Licensors and Artists is for the benefit of the Contract In creation, which you will eventually need to do. By linking the Licensors and Artists, it will save you time later as they will be automatically added to any Contract In you create for releases with that artist. If you have different licensors for different tracks from the same artist, we would advise that you do not link the licensors.
There are two ways to link your Licensors and Artists, depending on whether you want to go through your Artists List and add the licensors or go through your Licensors List and add the artists. Either method will link them together correctly.
Linking Licensors to Artists
Select Royalty from the Top Menu and then select Licensors. This will take you to your Licensor List. Click on the Licensor Name of the Licensor you wish to link.
You should now see the relevant Licensor Details page. Click on the Artists button found within the Icon Menu at the top right of the page.
A pop-up window will appear. Here you can start typing the Artist Name you are looking for and the system will search for that from your Artist List. Once you have found the Artist you need, select the Artist and click Add. At this point, you can add further Artists if you need multiple Artists attached to the one Licensor. For example, if one person has multiple artist aliases.
Once you have attached the Licensors you need, click OK. Your Licensor(s) and Artist will now be linked.
Linking Licensors to Artists when creating a Release/Track
After clicking this link, you will have the option to link an existing Licensor, by searching for them and clicking the 'Select' button.
Alternatively, if you haven't already set up a Licensor for them yet, click the 'New' button and complete the necessary fields, then click 'Save New Licensor'.
Linking an Artist to a Licensor
Select Artist from the Top Menu and select Artist List. Within your Artist List, simply click on an Artist Name to go through to the Artist Details page.
You should now see the relevant Artist Details page. Click on the Licensors button found within the Icon Menu at the top right of the page.
A pop-up window will appear. Here you can start typing the Licensor Name you are looking for and the system will search for that from your Licensors List. Once you have found the Licensor you need, select the Licensor and click Add. At this point, you can add further Licensors if you need multiple Licensors attached to one artist. For example, collaborations or duos.
Once you have attached the Licensors you need, click OK. Your Licensor(s) and Artist will now be linked.