Your tracks were licensed to our LW Recordings compilation because you opted into this service by signing and returning the optional Appendix C on your LabelWorx contract.
The terms of this licensing are set out in full on the Appendix C page.
We release themed compilations of tracks from labels that use LabelWorx for distribution and have opted into this additional service.
This is a great way for labels to earn additional revenue on their content. Tracks cannot be selected until at least 90 days after their initial release, by which point most organic sales will have begun to slow so compilation selection can be used to push extra shelf life onto your tracks.
As the compilations are themed, your tracks and artists will also be showcased alongside some of the most popular artists within the genre.
We have a great following on the DSPs with over 11,000 followers on Beatport. Regular features and banners on the download stores and continued playlist placement across the streaming platforms.
You can view all compilations that use your tracks in the LabelWorx LMS by visiting Release Management > LW Compilations
How Can I Stop Tracks From a Release Being Licensed to LW Recordings Compilations?
Your tracks are listed as available to license to Label Worx because you signed and returned the optional Appendix C on your Label Worx contract.
If you would like to stop Label Worx using specific releases then on your release page please ensure that LW Licensing Usage on the left is set to Not Available.
If you would permanently like to opt-out of this service, please contact us via our Request Form.
You can view all compilations that use your tracks in the LabelWorx LMS by visiting Release Management > LW Compilations