The statements that RoyaltyWorx generates for you to give to your Artists / Licensors can be branded. We give you the ability to upload a page header image which will appear at the top of this document. This image can include anything you like from your logos or slogans etc.
Example Page Header :
To upload your own personalized header image complete the following steps -
1. Click on "Settings" on the top menu
2. At the bottom of the "Account Details" tab you will see the "Page Header" section
3. Using the file picker next to "Upload Image" browse to and select your header image file on your HDD.
NOTE : Your header image must be exactly 1500 x 150 pixels in JPG format.
4. Click "Apply" in the Top Right and your image will upload.
5. If the format was acceptable your image will be present on the screen.
NOTE : You may also supply header and footer text lines which will appear on your document. Common uses for these include VAT/TAX and Company Reg. numbers.