If you have a Contract In that has been set up, but the percentage deal maybe changed at some point (if the track was re-signed under a new deal for example), then you would need to replicate this using RoyaltyWorx.
You cannot edit the percentages on an existing Contract In, so to facilitate this, you need to follow the steps below:
- First Deactivate the existing Contract In using the “Active Contract” tickbox. This can be found on the Contract In page for the track / release in question:
- Now recreate the Contract In with the newly agreed %s’. If you search the track / release in question in the “New” section under Contract Ins & cannot find it, then you may need to head to “Settings - Royalty Worx Settings - One Contract Per Release” & set this to “No”.
- Generate a statement up until the end Sales To date of the last statement, so that royalties that have been accounted for on the original Contract Ins are pulled through. Then you can head to the new Contract In & mark the statement as “Paid”, so that the new statements will not contain a balance brought forward.
Moving forward, when you generate new statements, the new %’s will be used.