If your Artist Roster includes an incorrect artist (e.g. a different artist of the same name), you can use the 'Replace' tool to swap them for the correct artist in our database. Once updated, all of the associated tracks and releases in your catalog featuring the incorrect artist will be updated to the correct artist:
Select the incorrect artist: Go to Artists ➜ Artist Roster in the top menu and select the incorrect artist you want to replace. On their Artist Details page, click the 'Replace' button in the icon menu.
Search for the correct artist: You can then search our artist database for the correct artist you want to replace them with and click the 'Select' button on the relevant profile (if the correct artist does not already exist in our database, you should click the Create New Artist button instead).
Replace Artist: You will now see the incorrect artist you are replacing on the left, and the correct artist you are replacing them with on the right. If you want the DSPs to update your releases with the correct replacement artist, keep the 'Update DSPs with Replacement Artist' option selected.
Finally, click the 'Replace Artist' button to complete the replacement process. Please note that once the process is finalised, the incorrect artist will be permanently removed from your roster.